Some useful articles on MSDN online

A few weeks ago, I'd posted links to ADO.NET 2.0 articles I'd written for MSDN online. At that time, I mentioned there would be one more article in a series, but I'd save the subject as a "surprise". Well, the article just appeared: Tracing Data Access in ADO.NET 2.0.

Did you know there was built-in tracing in ADO.NET 2.0 and SQL Native Client? Were you surprised?

Also there's another nice whitepaper on when to (and when not to) use SQLCLR in SQL Server 2005. By the folks who brought you both SQLCLR and T-SQL enhancements in the upcoming new SQL Server release.

One thought on “Some useful articles on MSDN online

  1. A great article Bob! I was concerned that this feature was going to be too hard to set up for people to find it useful, without your detailed step by step article it doubtlessly would be.

    Looking forward to feedback on this feature.

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