Added categories to a lot of old blog entries

If you seem to be getting tons of my old blog entries, it's because I've gone back through all of them and added categories. All the way to 2004. This doesn't produce updates/duplicates for my blog reader, but it may produce them for yours. Available categories are listed for easy search.

I still get questions about some of this stuff (like SQLCLR error 6522 and Query Notifications) and thought it might make it more easily referenceable. I've gone through and deleted most of the "comment spam", read all of the comments again, and updated links when appropriate. I thought it was a rather interesting comment that the biggest sources of comment spam were Video Poker and performance enhancement potions (expected) and loan brokers, especially for home loans. A comment on some of the deregulated banking practices that lead to the crash, perhaps?

I also notice that I write quite a few blog entries series. I like to include lots of content and writing a 20-page blog entry really doesn't cut it. Some of those are still (I think) useful, including the ones on Spatial index sprocs, LINQ and EDM and performance, Extended Events, SQL Server Schemas and others.

Finally, be aware that I've written entries as the product develops. In the SQL Server 2005/ADO.NET 2.0 timeframe, there were major changes between betas and RTMs. The changing of the implementation details of Query Notifications and the combining of the SqlServer and SqlClient ADO.NET provider to one provider that accomodates SQLCLR and SQL Server clients were big changes. I've categorised these as well, so if you have some old code in the areas that doesn't compile or work like it should, have a look at the progression to more recent details.

Hope you find this useful.

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