An implied (not implying) permissions function

I’d always wondered why they didn’t make the “ImplyingPermissions” function (code is part of the books online) part of the product. I originally thought it was because the function was subtly (or not so subtly) misnamed. What the function does, is “given a permission in a permission class, return a table of which built-in permissions grant (or deny) you that input permission by permission inheritance/covering”. To use their example, if the input permission is “ALTER” in the “SCHEMA” class, the returned table includes the “ALTER” permission in the “DATABASE” class, meaning that granting someone “ALTER DATABASE” also grants them “ALTER SCHEMA” in every schema in that database.

I always wanted the corollary function, “ImpliedPermissions”. That is, given the permission “ALTER” in the “DATABASE” class, what other permissions at lower levels am I granted by hierarchy/covering? There’s probably someone that’s already written that function, but searching for “SQL Server Implied Permissions” always brings me back to the “ImplyingPermissions” function. Which is where I got the idea about its being misnamed. It’s non-trivial to write, given that there are two types of permission “inheritance” – inheritance and covering. But I came upon this quick way that uses the ImpliedPermission function and CROSS APPLY:

CREATE FUNCTION dbo.ImpliedPermissions(@class nvarchar(64), @permission_name nvarchar(64))
SELECT a.*, b.height, b.RANK
FROM sys.fn_builtin_permissions(”) AS a
CROSS APPLY dbo.ImplyingPermissions(a.class_desc, a.permission_name) AS b
WHERE b.CLASS = @class AND b.permname = @permission_name

Note that this is not the same as creating a LOGIN or USER, assigning it permissions, then impersonating the principal and using sys.fn_my_permissions. The “My permissions” function (which must have been invented when Windows was calling everything “My…”) requires a *specific* securable and class, not a class and permission. So it can tell you which permissions (multiple) you’ve been granted on schemaX.tableX, and one level and type of inheritance between table and column (SELECT on a table gives you SELECT on all the columns), but not functionality like “SELECT” in the “OBJECT” class. And the Implying/ImpliedPermissions functions themselves don’t deal with individuals, just classes.

So now there is a corollary function too. I did notice that it was a bit slow, especially trying to use it with semi-joins and anti semi-joins. So, if you’re using this function a lot, you may want to materialize the permission hierarchy table (builtin_permissions CROSS APPLY ImplyingPermissions) somewhere. And now I can tell you, “if you give someone class X/permission Y, what else are you giving them? Well, at least to the extent that sys.fn_builtin_permissions() accurately reflects the permission hierarchy/covering (I think I’ve found some edge cases). Enjoy…


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