Four SQLskills Immersion Events coming to Chicago in April 2012

Got to take some time out from research and writing because yesterday Paul Randal announced SQLskills' first series of SQL Server Immersion training classes for Spring of 2012 in Chicago. They'll be 4 (count 'em) immersion-level class for DBAs, Database Developers, and Business Intelligence Specialists in a two-week stretch. Time to bring your career potential up a notch.

I'm doing a developer-centric Immersion Event on the week on Apr 23-27 on optimizing T-SQL and transactional and procedure code, SQLCLR, SQLXML, Service Broker, Full-text/Semantic Search and more. Remember that all of the new SQL Server 2012 T-SQL constructs and other improvements of interest to developers have already been "sifted in" to the learning experience. So we'll look at new ways to solve difficult problems for best performing code. If you like the in-depth analysis of many of my blog entries, you'll enjoy this week-long course.

Full details and registration information is here. It will also be great to catch up with friends and collegues in Chicago again. I hope to see you there!


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