StreamInsight V1.0 RTM'd a few weeks ago. Although I worked with it, looking especially at the infrastructure and programming models, I just installed the RTM version a few days ago.
One thing I noticed immediately upon install is that it requires a license key. This is because there are different versions of StreamInsight based upon which SQL Server SKU you'd installed. See the licensing explanation, versioning, and SKUs information here. Because I hadn't yet installed SQL Server 2008 R2, I chose to enter no license key, which meant that I installed the 180-day trial version. Now that SQL Server 2008 R2 is available via MSDN, I'll need to revisit this.
Next, I was prompted for a StreamInsight instance name. Being the SQL Server and PowerShell user I am, and having no imagination, I chose the name "default" for my default instance. After installation, I noticed a shiny new StreamInsight (default) Service listed under Windows Services. This service is meant to run the standalone StreamInsight host, if you chose to run a separate host rather than imbed StreamInsight in your application. Much easier than starting up the service from the command line.
There's some neat new features since CTP3, namely support for composing queries at runtime, count windows, and left-anti-semi joins in the LINQ provider. Check the updated documentation. Those will be interesting to look at, but first I wanted to get my bearings by looking at the samples. Interestingly, no samples come with the RTM. Although there will be a codeplex project devoted to them, it's not active yet. Time to recompile the CTP3 samples.
Although there's a few changes noted to the APIs in the documentation, there are many more than documented. A naive 'recompile against the 1.0 libraries' netted 30 or so compile errors. Time to "up-port" the existing samples. This turns out to be a process that yields a lot of insight into the programming model of the 1.0 product, and I'll discuss this in the next few blog posts. I have the CTP3 samples working, but can't post the code, as it's not my code to post (ie, I don't "own" the code). So I'll describe the process.