
Analyzing I/O Performance from SQLSaturday #300

I had the opportunity to present Analyzing I/O Performance at SQLSaturday #300 in Kansas City, MO on September 13, 2014. I think the session went well, judging by the amount and type of questions that I got during and after the presentation, along with the written feedback forms that I read afterwards.

The overall event was well-run, and well-attended, with some good barbeque for lunch. I have a lot of respect for the organizers and volunteers for SQLSaturday events.

You can get a PDF version of my deck here, and the queries that I ran here.

One side benefit of this event was a chance to drive my red Tesla back and forth between Parker, CO and Kansas City, MO, using the free Tesla Supercharger network (and a 50 amp circuit at my sister’s house in Topeka, KS). I talk a little about this trip in these two blog posts:

Tesla Road Trip to SQLSaturday #300 in Kansas City

Tesla Model S Road Trip Results

One thought on “Analyzing I/O Performance from SQLSaturday #300

  1. Nice deck and presentation. I’ve been using CDM for a long time. I like giving it to SAN guys because the disparity between LUNS is often easy to see. You show most SAN guys 30 sql files with different latencies and it won’t mean much. Ask them to explain why the seqs are 450 on one LUN and 280 on another and you get their attention.

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