
Remote Presentation of Analyzing I/O Subsystem Performance for Israel PASS Chapter

I did a remote presentation of Analyzing I/O Subsystem Performance for the Israel PASS Chapter on Monday, February 2. Here is the abstract for this presentation:

SQL Server is often I/O bound – but why? Do you feel lost when talking to your storage administrator? Are your storage subsystems like a mysterious black box where your databases live but you can’t go visit? This session will get you up to speed with the fundamentals of storage subsystems for SQL Server. You will learn about the different types of storage that are available, and how to decide what type of storage to use for different workload types. You will also learn useful tips and techniques for configuring your storage for the best performance and reliability. We’ll cover methods to effectively measure and monitor your storage performance so that you will have valuable information and evidence available the next time you have to discuss IO performance with your storage administrator. Come to this session to learn how to analyze I/Os as well as options to reduce the bottlenecks.

The PDF version of my deck and the queries I used in the demos are available here.

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