All MCM free training videos now available

The final set of MCM training videos we recorded for Microsoft have been posted on TechNet and are available for download.

For your convenience, I've created a page that lists all the videos, with links, grouped together to match the training classes we provide.

These videos are designed to give you an idea of the breadth of knowledge required for the certification, but they're also great primers for our classes. The material covered in the videos will be covered during the classes, but in much more depth, with a lot more additional material, and with different demos.

Check out the videos HERE.


PS Some people have asked for the demo scripts from the videos – these will be blogged by us through the year.

10 thoughts on “All MCM free training videos now available

  1. Hi Paul,

    The videos are great. Very helpful. I was wondering if there are any plans to create a video on SSIS or is this not considered a major topic in the MCM program?

  2. Hi Paul, can you please point me to a place where scripts accompanying demos are?
    Thank you.

    1. Hi Aleksey – there’s no central place as the scripts were not published by Microsoft. If you go to our resources page, many of the scripts can be found spread through our conference and class downloads. Thanks

  3. Hi Paul,

    Your MCM training video’s are my personal best, I have heard a lot of other tutorials but yours is the best. These are great sources for learning sql.
    I had downloaded these videos in the past but unfortunately lost it along with my laptop. I was more hurt by the fact that the videos are lost than my thinkpad laptop. And that feeling got worsened when I came back and checked in technet videos and found most of them missing now.

    Could you please help me to get these videos if they are available somewhere else or a way to get them otherwise.

    Thanks and Regards,

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