Just got an email notification of a new whitepaper from the SQL Customer Advisory Team on Database Mirroring and Log Shipping Working Together. It covers:
- Converting a log shipping setup to a database mirroring partnership
- Setting up log shipping to a 3rd destination (i.e. warm standby to go with the mirroring hot standby)
- Swapping the roles of the mirroring server and the log shipping secondary server
It’s short at 8 pages but has some good info in it. It’s available to download here.
While I was poking about for a better download location, I discovered another new whitepaper (from last year) on database mirroring, this time on Implementing Application Failover with Database Mirroring. Its concerned with how make applications failover gracefully when a mirroring failover happens. Again, its not very log but there’s some useful code examples for ADO.NET and JDBC. You can download it here.
I’ve added both of these to our whitepapers page too. Enjoy!