New class: Practical Machine Learning

We’ve added a third brand-new class to our Spring line-up in Chicago: Immersion Event on Practical Machine Learning.

It’s a combination 2-day class plus 3-day class, taught by industry expert Rafal Lukawiecki, presented on May 7-8 and 9-11, 2018.

This course has two parts. You start with the 2-day Part 1: Introduction to Machine Learning, AI & Data Science with Azure ML and SQL Server followed by the 3-day Part 2: Intermediate Machine Learning in R on SQL Server and Microsoft ML Server. The first part introduces the most important concepts and tools, while the second part teaches you R and how to use it for machine learning on the Microsoft platform.

Target Audience

  • Part 1: Analysts, budding data scientists, database and BI developers, programmers, power users, DBAs, predictive modelers, forecasters, consultants.
  • Part 2: Data scientists and attendees of Part 1

If you’ve attended a prior course on Machine Learning, like Rafal’s week-long class Practical Data Science that was offered in 2015–2017, and if you’re versed in model validity, accuracy, and reliability, consider attending Part 2 only. Ask yourself these questions: can I explain the difference between cross-validation and hold-out testing, do I know which business metrics correspond to precision and which to recall, is model accuracy more important than reliability, and how does a boosted decision tree work. If in doubt, please attend both Parts 1 and 2.

The modules are as follows:

Part 1: Introduction to Machine Learning, AI & Data Science with Azure ML and SQL Server (Mon-Tue)

  • Machine Learning Fundamentals
  • Algorithms
  • Data
  • Process of Data Science
  • Introduction to Model Building
  • Introduction to Model Validation

Part 2: Intermediate Machine Learning in R on SQL Server and Microsoft ML Server (Wed-Fri)

  • Working with R
  • Data Preparation in R
  • Plots and Visualizations in R
  • Clustering, Segmentation, Anomaly Detection
  • Classification
  • Classifier Validation
  • Regressions
  • Regression Validation
  • Deployment to Production

You can read a more detailed curriculum here and all the class registration and logistical details are here.

We hope to see you there!

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