New whitepaper on SQL Server Audit in 2008

One set of features i haven't blogged about yet in SQL Server 2008 are the new security features: SQL Server Audit, Transparent Data Encryption, and Extensible Key Management. I've just finished writing a security article for the May 2009 TechNet Magazine (the annual security issue) and while trolling around TechNet I found that the security team has just published a comprehensive whitepaper on SQL Server Audit.

The whitepaper covers:

  • Functional overview of the feature
  • Technical overview of using the feature, including how to define the different levels of audit specification (database and server)
  • Audit files and the event log
  • Performance considerations (it's designed to be much faster than other auditing features are is uses the high-peformance extended events feature under the covers)
  • Examples of using it, both through T-SQL and SSMS

Check it out at

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