In the mail today I received notice that my first software patent has been granted by the US Patent Office :-) (after being filed 3.5 years ago while I was still writing DBCC CHECKDB code!) It’s basically a way to run DBCC CHECKDB on a database stored in a backup without actually having to restore the whole backup. This is really cool for people with VVVVLDBs as it means you don’t need to restore the whole backup to verify that the database stored within it is valid. Anyway – I’m pretty pleased!! I hope the SQL team gets around to implementing it at some point in the future.
If you’re interested, you can read it here (warning: some of the legalese is pretty dry…)
Next – some people have been ‘complaining’ that we haven’t been posting recently – we took a break last week to grab some winter sun and some total downtime but we’ll be back into blogging in between parties over the holidays.
Finally – to all of you who’ve followed my blog (the old MS one and my new one here), attended any of our conference sessions or workshops, sent us interesting questions, and just generally been part of the SQL community I love – THANKS!! I hope you and your families have a great Festive Season (whatever you celebrate) and a prosperous New Year!
Best wishes – Paul.
2 thoughts on “Patents and parties”
Hello Paul, Will be helpful if you shed some light on how you implemented? :)
No, I can’t do that.