TechNet Magazine: feature article on understanding logging and recovery

Wow – today is all about new content. As if I haven't already blogged about enough stuff to keep you reading through next week, the February issue of TechNet Magazine is now available and contains a feature article I wrote about understanding how logging and recovery work inside SQL Server.

The article covers:

  • What is logging?
  • What is recovery?
  • The transaction log (include logical and physical architecture)
  • Recovery models and how they affect the behavior of the transaction log

There's also a ten-minute screencast video where I demonstrate a runaway transaction log.

Check it out at

7 thoughts on “TechNet Magazine: feature article on understanding logging and recovery

  1. Hello Paul,
    I get to know you from a Spanish Microsoft technical support advisor who mentioned you in a conference during a SUMMIT organized by in Madrid (Spain).
    I would like to thank you greatly this article because I believe that without it I would not ever be able to understand what’s going on with my transaction log growth. Before reading it a have tried hard with the help of SQL without success.
    But can I be named”involuntary DBA”? I think whoever has the patience to understand an article as dense in concepts as this one must be at least a person who is actively seeking to be DBA.
    I recommend every one reading it and I don’t understand why this is the first comment for this post.

        1. Yes. You can put repair in a transaction and roll it back. EXCEPT not for emergency-mode repair or if using the undocumented REPAIR_ALL option to rebuild GAM or SGAM pages. Those are both irreversible operations.

          1. Thanks Paul. I am bit confused here. So, does DBCC CHECKDB get mirrored to secondary replica?

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