My upcoming precon workshop at PASS and SQLintersection

The two major Fall conferences are 3-4 weeks away so I wanted to give you a heads-up about my new pre-con workshop that I’ve just finished putting together and will be presenting at both the PASS Summit in Seattle at the start of November, and again the following week at our own SQLintersection conference in Las Vegas.

It’s based on one of my favorite topics – wait statistics and using them for performance troubleshooting – and that was the topic of my Spotlight session at the PASS Summit last year, which ended up being the #1-rated session. I’m very passionate about helping people learn about wait statistics and how to use them *correctly* as an invaluable aid when troubleshooting performance problems in SQL Server. Last year I only had 90 minutes on the subject (although I ran 40 minutes over!) but this year I’ll have an entire day to expand into techniques for further troubleshooting, rather than just evaluating the wait and latch statistics themselves.

The no-frills title of the workshop is: Performance Troubleshooting Using Waits and Latches

Here’s the abstract:

One of the first things you should check when investigating performance issues are wait and latch statistics, as these can often point you in the right direction for further analysis. Unfortunately many people misinterpret what SQL Server is telling them and jump to conclusions about how to solve the problem – what is often called ‘knee-jerk performance tuning’. In this full-day workshop, you’ll learn how to investigate and interpret wait and latch statistics – practical techniques you can take home and start using immediately. You’ll also learn what a myriad of wait and latch types actually mean and how you can investigate lightly-documented types to gain insight into what causes them. Don’t waste time when it comes to performance troubleshooting; wait statistics are the fastest route to understanding your problems and this workshop will help you get there faster.

If you come along I promise you that you’ll learn a ton of really, really useful information and techniques – I’m looking forward to teaching it tremendously.

You can get more details about this year’s PASS Summit in Seattle, November 3-7 at this website.

You can get more details about this year’s Fall SQLintersection in Las Vegas, November 8-14 at this website.

Whichever conference you go to (or you could be crazy like a few people I know and do both!), I’m looking forward to meeting you and I hope to see you in my workshop!


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