Video of didgeridoo player at Ayers Rock

For the last few weeks we were in Australia, teaching classes with our sister company After we were done with work we headed out to Uluru (formerly known as Ayers Rock) in the remote outback of the Northern Territories for a long weekend. We'll both be posting a bunch of photos from the trip, but to start with I just uploaded a 2 minute video I took of an excellent didgeridoo player. He was playing for a group of us doing the Sounds of Silence dinner, watching the sunset at Uluru. Fantastic!


Click the image to go to the movie on Facebook (no login required).


One thought on “Video of didgeridoo player at Ayers Rock

  1. Nice. Almost inspired me to take out my didge and start playing. Not a good time for it though, plus I need more wax.

    Look forward to seeing you guys at the Summit. I was signed up for your pre-con but due to a family issue, I had to change plans and can’t arrive until Monday night. So I am going to miss seeing the Paul and Kimberly show :-( maybe next year!

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