Backup Resources – Where, oh where, can they be?

UPDATED: April 20, 2018 (fixed links and removed some outdated content)

A common discussion tends to be around backup/restore so I’ve generally found that there just isn’t a great single place where a bunch of resources are listed. Many of these are my resources or Paul’s (blog|twitter). Enjoy!

Classes to learn more about backups and disaster recovery:



Additional blog posts/topics:

Some other interesting issues – what about the application ecosystem (if you’re moving to another instance or even another physical server):

  • Logins, etc.? Check out this KB article to help you migrate the logins: How to transfer logins and passwords between instances of SQL Server.
  • What about server-level roles? While the KB article helps you migrate logins to the secondary server – what about any role membership that you’ve set? These are NOT migrated! This is something that you may want to prepare beforehand. (thanks to fellow SQL Server MVP, Aaron Bertrand (blog|twitter) for the great discussion!)
  • However, even if you get the logins migrated and the system roles scripted, there any other issues that you could run into! What about jobs, operators, service accounts, external batch files, executables – anything and everything that’s not *in* the database but keeps that database “ticking” that’s NOT backed up nor restored (er, except for filestream – which is external but *IS* backed up by default). So, these are additional things to prepare and test so that your disaster recovery strategy succeeds.

So, while there are a lot of great resources out there – sometimes they can be difficult to find. In fact, it took me a few hours to bring everything together here… and, in all honesty, there’s even more out there!


Thanks for reading,

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