Given the general state of the economy…many companies are looking to cut back. Going back over what we've done and "optimizing" things -> budgets, expenses, etc. is the norm right now. And, scaling back is not always a bad thing – unless the wrong things are cut. Unless the wrong things are used to motivate you. Prioritizing and/or really assessing what gives you the biggest gains for your dollars is hard. In fact, one of the things that always seems to be first on the cutting block is training. Training is hard to quantify. And, the results of good training are also hard to quantify. Instead of fixing a problem (which you can often see the exact improvement) you might instead avoid a problem. Avoid downtime. Avoid data loss. Process more rows – with the same hardware. But, how do you know the cost of what could have happened. Ugh. To be honest, if I could do that – Paul and I would be on a beach. ;)
But, I do have a reason for this post… what should you be thinking? Where should you focus your attention? What can you cut – safely, temporarily, permanently and what might you help to prioritize?
Should you upgrade software?
- Is there a feature that makes something easier? Some new features are really powerful "big" features. For example, Policy-Based Management (PBM) might help you to better centralize certain rules (in PBM-speak "policies") and then enforce them on many servers – even 2005 servers… so, you might be able to upgrade a smaller number of servers and still get some of the benefits. Many of the tools work against multiple versions so you might be able to minimize (and/or prioritize) which servers you upgrade and slowly migrate others. Potentially following an every-other-version upgrade strategy… upgrading some servers from 2000 to 2008 and leaving some of your 2005 servers to wait to upgrade until SQL11 (the next version after SQL10 – which is SQL Sever 2008).
- Are you starting a new project – architecting a new database? Wouldn't it be easier to start on the newer version and get better longevity (maybe?!)? For example, sparse columns might make a major difference in your base table's architecture…and be easier than if you were to architect (and write all of the code) for 2005 but then later need to do a major architectural change to move to 2008 (well, to *really* benefit from things like sparse columns). There are some really good features in 2008 and some *might* warrant upgrading… upgrading now. But, if you don't have a direct need then I'd argue that you could probably stay with 2005 (or even 2000) and then push this out a bit until you absolutely need to move forward.
Should you upgrade hardware?
- Again, are there features that will directly impact: performance, availability, manageability?
- Can you wait? I can't really answer this and – for everyone – the answer is going to be "it depends". There might be something that significantly reduces costs and/or minimizes downtime and as a result, you'll just have to do cost-benefit analysis. This is a tough one… but, maybe you can do rolling upgrades and let some of the lesser servers take the hand-me-downs. :)
- Can you do rolling upgrades moving the most critical to a new server and then a less critical server to the one freed up by the last upgrade…
Is there anything you can do to get more out of what you already have??
In my opinion, this is probably even more important than the two above. Upgrading hardware and software is something you will ALWAYS need to consider but if you could get better performance, scalability and availability out of the hardware/software you have now, then you'll benefit *now* without additional funds spent (actual outgoing funds) and you still be able to leverage what you do today when you do upgrade. So, what this really translates to (IMO) is tweaking and tweaking a bit more – what you already have? How? What can you look for? What can you do to help??
- Upgrade to the latest service packs/hotfixes (at least upgrade to the free stuff – you might see some gains and in some cases (like SQL Server 2005 SP2+) you might get some new features. (important note: test this on a non-production server FIRST!!)
- Update your hardware's firmware? You might have missed an update that improves performance (important note: test this on a non-production server FIRST!!)
- Bottleneck Analysis – Some good resources for this are: Performance Tuning Using Waits and Queues and the SQLCAT team.
- Workload Analysis – Some good resources for this are: Troubleshooting Performance Problems in SQL Server 2005, Working with Tempdb in SQL Server 2005, Batch Compilation, Recompilation, and Plan Caching Issues in SQL Server 2005…well, there are lots of good whitepapers that are specific to certain types of workloads and/or perf problems…check out our whitepapers page here: and the CAT team's whitepapers pages here: and the general SQL Server on pages here: and for 2005 here:
- Maintenance – often overlooked and incredibly important. A database that has solid maintenance practices (fragmentation analysis and cleanup, VLF analysis and cleanup, transaction log management, finding corruption in its early stages through automated CHECKDB executions…) performs better, is easier to recover, might naturally stay smaller (more compact) and therefore require less hardware. In fact, analyzing indexes – to get rid of unused indexes and to consolidate redundant indexes can end up saving disk space, backup space, cache, maintenance costs, etc. Both Paul and I have blogged quite a bit about many of these!
- Other tips and tricks
- Blogs… which is why you're here and there are so many out there! Here's a link I recently found that lists a bunch of SQL-related blogs: and, of course, Paul's post on "So many blogs" and the PASS list of blogs here:
- Webcasts… there are lots out there and we now have a page which has most of ours listed on it (thanks to Paul for creating this!!) here: and there are LOTS more on TechNet, MSDN, etc.
- Conferences… OK, maybe a shameless plug for conferences like SQLConnections *but* in having put together the agenda (with Paul) where we specifically focused on best practices topics and performance tuning – I can tell you that some of the tips and tricks that we recommend can significantly improve performance, may minimize needed disk space (by creating more optimal and often fewer indexes), may improve availability with better design practices and/or maintenance and much more than that! And, in getting away from the office for a few days and focusing just on learning you might do two things. First, you might learn some tips and tricks that you never would have (or it would have taken *a lot* more time and/or been harder to really understand?). Second, you might come back with a whole new and renewed enthusiam for doing things – and with an ordered/prioritized list of things to try. And, this might even help to motivate you because it also shows that your company really is committed to you/your job (having spent money specifically on your learning) – and you to them.
So, I do think that there are SMARTER ways to save. A well trained employee is worth a lot more than a cheaper one. And, there are smarter things to cut. I hope this might help you think of things to do and/or places to look to get better performance with what you have! I think blanket "no training" or "no upgrades" statements are never good for anything – even the budget (the longer term effects can be much worse – but also much harder to quantify).
Really, the answer is always different. It depends…………