Quick entry to let you know that Kimberly L. Tripp will be on .NET Rocks tomorrow evening from 7-9p.m. Pacific Time. The show is recorded live and then edited over the weekend. The recorded session will be posted on Monday, August 2nd. Kimberly’s plan will be to discuss performance tuning techniques, indexing strategies, the clustered index debate and well, whatever else comes up?! With Carl and Rory you never know what to expect!
For details about the show and a list of past shows click here.
3 thoughts on “Kimberly on .NET Rocks – TOMORROW – Thursday, July 29 from 7 to 9 p.m. Pacific Time”
Hey there Martin – Good idea/point! Not every webcast has a transcript but I will check with my MSDN contacts to see if one is planned. I would expect that these take quite a bit of time? If there’s something that you specifically can’t follow/understand shoot me an email and we’ll try to get it otherwise, I’ll let you know if a transcript is planned.
OK, well good news and bad news. First, looks like .NET Rocks wants to do transcripts but so far has been unable (funding, etc. are an issue – transcriptions (good one) are expensive). They’re looking into options and also are glad to have volunteers… ;) If you think you might want to transcribe a .NET Rocks show email Carl at carl@franklins.net.
As for MSDN webcasts (since I was somewhat confused in my first reply), they transcribe a few of them but there are no plans (currently) to transcribe the two Indexing sessions I delivered.
So – I’m back to my original offer… If there’s something that just doesn’t make sense – make note of the timing of it and then shoot me an email! We’ll get it resolved.
Thanks again for your comment/interest; I wish I had better news!
Your DNR show is probably one of the best DNR I’ve ever heard. ONE MORE TIME !! ONE MORE TIME !! ONE MORE TIME !!!
– Sahil