Conference season over and all the scripts are posted

Wow – that was a bit of a wild ride! Another conference season is over and we're in the wind down to vacation time – woooo!

This has been our best set of conferences yet – if you haven't been following the blog, in the last 5 weeks, starting out Monday 10/20, we:

  • Delivered 5 days of lectures for Microsoft (the whole first week of the Microsoft Certified Master – Database)
  • Then flew to Vienna and delivered the equivalent of 7 days of lectures at our customer site in Vienna (we did 3 days together and then 2 days separated (with different teams))
  • Then flew to Barcelona and delivered 5 sessions and 4 ILLs at TechEd EMEA in Barcelona (my corruption session was the #2 highest rated of the whole conference and Kimberly had #5 and #7, and our ILLs were #1, #2, #3, #10)
  • Then flew to Las Vegas on Saturday and delivered 2 full day workshops on Sunday and Monday, plus 4 sessions at SQL Connections in Las Vegas (the conference we Co-Chair)
  • Then flew home and delivered a full day workshop and 2 sessions at PASS, plus Kimberly was on the Women in Technology panel (actually the best one I've attended so far) 

Although its Thanksgiving here in the US this week, Kimberly's teaching on campus for a couple of days, then flying to Ireland at the weekend for four days teaching next week, while I'm teaching 5 days on campus for Microsoft. THEN we're almost done – just got to finish up our book chapters for the SQL Server 2008 Internals book, write another TechNet Magazine article, and finished recording all the 2008 Jumpstart content!

This year we've been just a little busy, which is why its taken us longer then usual to post all our demo scripts – BUT they're all now posted on the past events page.

If you picked up any of our DVDs at any of the conferences (sorry, they're only available to conference/class attendees), checkout Kimberly's post from yesterday which has a bunch of instructions.

Later today I'll do another post which explains all my corruption scripts and databases – stay tuned!

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