Back when I did the DBA-Myth-A-Day series in April, many people asked for the 30 blog posts to be collected up into a document for easy printing/reading/etc. I promised, but never got around to it, until I had an email from a blog reader, Peter Maloof, who had very kindly done all the work of producing a Word doc with everything collected together. I’ve prettified the doc and produced a PDF which you can print out and redistribute as you see fit.
You can download the PDF once you sign up for our bi-weekly newsletter here (no advertizing or other nonsense), and once you’ve signed up, you can always get it from the past newsletters page (link in every newsletter). Note: some people get confused: when you complete the sign-up process, the final welcome email you get has the link to the prior newsletters and the PDF.
Make sure to also check out my 4-hour online training course on Pluralsight: SQL Server Myths and Misconceptions.
20 thoughts on “Myths and misconceptions: 60-page PDF of blog posts”
Well, it seems it is X-mas :). Usefull doc, thanks!
Thanks Paul for putting together all those great pieces of information in an easy to read PDF!
Thank you for the good information and your passion
I will distribute the doc to the SQL Users in Korea.
Jungsun Kim
Thanks Paul. Misconception blog clarified many things.
Thank you Paul for these great info.
Thanks goes to Peter Maloof as well.
Hi Paul
I thought I had just chosen my blog post of the day (for my SQL Server Internals FaceBook page) and saw this from you just in time… you are today’s winner. :-)
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Thank you so much for the PDF. You are a great help DBA world.
Thank you for this collection.
Thank you Paul, i am pleased to have found your blog … many many usefull things!
Hello Paul,
I’ ve signed (and confirmed) the newsletter but I still can’t download the PDF.
Could you tell me how to proceed ?
Thank you,
The link is at the bottom of the final confirmation email/page you receive – thanks
I have received the ‘Subscription Confirmed’ email; no link there. (other than the ‘mail chimp’.)
It’s on the subscription confirmation webpage.
Ah… I haven’t noticed it. But now is the trick to get there when you’re already signed up. Still I’m very curious about the document ;)
Love you guys
So I subscribed again under another account, still no link to the PDF :-(
It’s at the bottom of the last email you get, and also on the past newsletters page.
Disappointing. I no longer have the email that supposedly has the link, because the statement was that “You can download the PDF here once you sign up for our bi-weekly newsletter.” I assumed that the link would take me where I needed to go.
How does one get the link now after signing up? I have a newsletter in my inbox, but I see no way to get to the past newsletters page. I don’t think I’m an idiot, but I cannot find a way to get to the PDF download….
Each newsletter has this text at the end of the first section: Note: you can get all the prior Insider newsletters here. Shouldn’t be disappointing, and there’s no ‘supposedly’ about it – the link is right at the top of the welcome email you got when you completed the sign-up process. The link does take you where you need to go – to sign up for the newsletter, which then gives you the link very clearly.