New SQLskills Pluralsight courses

We’ve just released two new courses on Pluralsight:

The first new course is the conclusion of Joe Sack’s query-tuning course: SQL Server: Common Query Tuning Problems and Solutions – Part 2.

The second new course is Kimberly’s long-awaited SQL Server: Optimizing Stored Procedure Performance. It’s more than seven hours long and the abstract is:

When using stored procedures, their performance is dependent on creating the optimal plan for the execution environment and making sure that it remains cached. This comprehensive course will show you all of that and more, and is applicable to SQL Server developers and anyone responsible for ensuring performance of stored procedures, from SQL Server 2005 onward.

The module list is:

  • Introduction
  • Why Use Stored Procedures?
  • Creation, Compilation, and Invalidation Section 1
  • Creation, Compilation, and Invalidation Section 2
  • Optimization and Recompilation Section 1
  • Optimization and Recompilation Section 2
  • Optimization and Recompilation Section 3
  • Optimization and Recompilation Section 4
  • Other Concerns and Considerations

Check them out!

Also, some people have questioned the Basic/Intermediate/Advanced ratings and how they relate to our in-person classes. Any courses rated Intermediate on Pluralsight are the same level as our in-person content.

We’ve got a lot more courses in production and planned for the remainder of 2015 around DMVs, more stored procedure performance, Service Broker, Change Data Capture, fragmentation, and more. Watch this space (and the Insider Newsletter) for details.


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