Social networking – how many is too many?

Well, back in April of 2009 I blogged Social networking, keeping up with friends/family and getting more tech info! and I essentially said that I was going to limit myself to only Facebook and Twitter. Low and behold, I've succumbed to yet another network – LinkedIn. The SQL Server Community is *incredibly* strong online: in forums, twitter groups (such as #sql, #sqlserver, #sqlpass, #sqlhelp) and in many of these online commnunities. And, with so many events and so little time to find where everyone is at and when – these social tools can really help to keep you informed.

So, as Paul just blogged a few minutes ago "Just when I thought I'd discovered all the online networks that could successfully prevent me from doing useful work, I re-discovered LinkedIn this morning after Kimberly got sucked in, dragged me in as well. It makes sense I suppose as a more serious way to keep in touch with people we met at conferences and online." And, so it goes, here are my accounts if you want to keep in touch through other methods:

And, as usual – you can find me here for most of my techie blog posts and as many resource posts as I can create! And, on SQL Server Magazine on our new blog for SQL Server Questions Answered (I just blogged about this earlier today here).


PS – That's *REALLY* it. I will NOT join any other social networks… ever. (well, until someone convinces me of why I need to :)). Never say never (er, except for the database option: autoshrink! ;-))

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