Brent [Ozar] beat me to the punch this morning with his fantastic post on SQLintersection’s Fall conference here: SQL Intersection Registration Open but, I wanted to second that with a few more details. I first blogged about our new [in 2013] conference here: and when we had only just planned our first event, we just weren’t quite sure of how it would go. Well… with one completed event – we now know! People loved it. We had absolutely fantastic feedback and numerous people asking us when the next show was so they could start planning… we didn’t expect it but many are planning to return in the Fall. They felt the conference was so valuable that they’re attending both the Spring and the Fall event.
What is SQLintersection all about?
- Sessions are planned in a series with tracks having a specific focus each day. We don’t just do a random call for sessions and then put them into any slot randomly. Our sessions are chosen, planned, and strategically placed so that you can get the most out of that topic!
- Speakers are chosen based on their areas of expertise AND their track record. We’ve only selected speakers that have top ratings at prior events. These are people from whom you will really learn. We all love what we do and you’ll see that in EVERY session. And, our speakers are also consultants – people out there in the trenches – doing what you’re doing everyday and struggling with the same problems. This is the real inspiration for our sessions – problem solving, troubleshooting and REAL SOLUTIONS!
- Each track has a room/session host. Paul Randal, Brent Ozar, and I will be hanging out in session rooms throughout the entire conference. Other speakers will bounce in and out of tracks but will hang out for much longer than just their session. We’re not just there to deliver a session and run away – we’re there to help get your problems solved. And, if we can’t solve the problem we’ll point you to the session that can or the speaker that has that area of expertise. It’s all about the return on your investment of time and money.
But, it’s a new event? What experience do we have at running events?
Together with NextGen, and co-located with DEVintersection, we have put together the most valuable developer/SQL Server conference experience that’s out there! Our conference management and content team has been responsible for the immensely popular SQL Connections conference over the last 10+ years through Fall 2012, and now we have our own show. SQLintersection is where you’ll find the conference experience you’re used to, but now with hand-picked speakers, more real-world topics, and extensive interaction with the people that you’ve come to know well in the community (Paul Randal, Brent Ozar, Aaron Bertrand, Steve Jones, and so many more!).
To be able to create the perfect developer show, we’ve also partnered with Richard Campbell from .Net Rocks and RunAs Radio. Using our extensive expertise in event planning and conference management as well as our real-world experience in consulting, we have created THE place to get your questions answered and interact with experts that really care, while experiencing a fantastic event in a great location!
SQLintersection focuses on performance best practices for SQL Server versions 2012, 2008R2 and 2008 but also highlights new and critical technologies in SQL Server 2012. And, while many best practices still apply to 2005 most of our speaker panel has experience back to SQL Server 2000 and can answer your questions!
What went well at our first SQLintersection?
- Attendees recognized the ROI that they were getting from the conference. Even after only 1 day people commented to me that they were already fixing problems back in their office. One comment that I received in just the following week after the conference (from a gentleman named Geoff Lister) was: I had to write and tell you that last week’s SQL intersection was fantastic. I learned so much, and have a whole load of new questions for Google and things to research. It was a real eye opener to aspects of SQL I didn’t even know to ask about before or did not realize how important they are. Much of what you gave me I was able to implement during the conference to my production applications and have seen real performance gains and have some happy DBAs! In particular, you gave me a much great appreciation of why the cache is so important and how to understand the execution plans a bit better and identify parameter sniffing issues.
- On twitter we received a comment just after the conference ended (from Michelle Ufford) who is @sqlfool: Colleague who attended #SQLintersection said it was best conference he’s ever attended cc@KimberlyLTripp @PaulRandal @Kendra_Little @BrentO
- Another comment that came in email from Kevin Urquhart: As for feedback itself… well, it truly was superb. I enjoyed every minute of it and was genuinely quite sad when SQLintersection ended. The friendliness, sheer desire to impart knowledge, and obvious preparation that had gone into each session was all anyone could hope for really.
When can you register?
Now! We’ve posted the bulk of our content and the bulk of our sessions for the Fall show. So, start your planning now…
Register for $1,894 before June 24th and you get the Show Package: the conference, PLUS a pre-con or post-con of your choice, PLUS your choice of a Surface RT, Xbox, or a $300 gift card.
Register for $2,294 and you can add ANOTHER pre-con or post-con. This is one of the best choices. You can arrive on Saturday, catch a show and then get five days of nonstop learning from the absolute best in the business. Sunday through Thursday you’ll be focused on everything SQL! Then, you can relax on Friday or travel home or stay an enjoy another day in Vegas.
Finally, be sure to register with the discount code SQLskills and you get another $50 off.
Check out SQLintersection online here:
See you there!
Be sure to introduce yourself. Be sure to take time to come find us and ask us questions. Don’t be shy – this is why we created this new event… we love this stuff and we look forward to seeing you there!