Bob Beauchemin

SQL Server Blog

Category: SQLCLR

About the new SQLCLR TVFs

In the new Feb CTP release, how your implement a table-valued function in SQLCLR has been re-architected. This is in the readme (CTPNotes) This was


Tracking the pesky appdomain

People (especially DBAs) want to see what those pesky appdomains are doing in SQLCLR. Back in beta1 there was a system function, master.sys.fn_appdomains(), that showed


SqlContext syntactic changes

Syntactic changes are coming to the SQL Server in-proc provider. Compiling a stored procedure with the latest Dec CTP bits yielded the following message every


SQLCLR appdomain usage

A little-known behavior of SQLCLR (although we did mention it in our book) is that SQLCLR creates one appdomain per assembly owner, not one appdomain


More on ownership chains

People always ask…if ownership chains work the way they do, why do they not work with dynamic SQL? And how about .NET procedures and ownership


Error 6522:the reprise

About a month ago, I'd written about unhandled errors in .NET procedural code always causing error 6522 to be returned to the (T-SQL) caller (see


SQLCLR Optimizations – 2

To squeeze every ounce of performance out of the SqlServer data provider, the rule is to allocate the least number of ancillary object instances possible.


Error 6522 and You

What's error 6522? It's the error that you always get from an unhandled exception in a SQLCLR stored procedure. If I write a SQLCLR error that


SQLCLR Optimizations – 1

Good T-SQL programmers are always looking to optimize their procedural code. Little optimizations can end up as big savings if the code will be executed


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