SQLskills is powered by Paul S. Randal and Kimberly L. Tripp, two of the world’s most renowned SQL Server experts. We are a Microsoft Gold Data Platform Partner and our team is dedicated to providing the highest quality and most in-depth training and consulting in the market. We aim to give you the best return on your investment, starting with our in-depth SQL Server health checks: US$2,995 for just a health check, or US$6,495 for our popular Health-Check-Plus-12.
New: Recordings of our live, online classes are now available to purchase here.
If you need other training, choose from our array of in-person training classes or our large catalog of online Pluralsight courses. We ensure that you get real-world expertise that you can immediately put into practice, making you a better SQL Server professional and providing clear value to your company. Also check out our extensive Waits And Latches Library!
Whatever your requirements are – from extensive performance tuning to architectural reviews to virtualization to hardware design and upgrades to remote DBA to Azure (SQL Database/VMs/Managed Instance) to AGs – we can do it all!