Bob Beauchemin

SQL Server Blog

Author: Bob Beauchemin

How to make a DBA smile

Speaking of SQL Profiler brought this to mind. The number one feature that brings a smile to every DBA's face: GRANT ALTER TRACE TO [somedev] No


About the new SQLCLR TVFs

In the new Feb CTP release, how your implement a table-valued function in SQLCLR has been re-architected. This is in the readme (CTPNotes) This was


Where ‘ya been dude?

Hi all. Not much blogging out of me lately. I’ve been on vacation and, in between, I’ve been teaching SQL Server 2005 at Microsoft Sydney


Tracking the pesky appdomain

People (especially DBAs) want to see what those pesky appdomains are doing in SQLCLR. Back in beta1 there was a system function, master.sys.fn_appdomains(), that showed


Back home again

I’m back home again after being on the road three weeks out of the last four. Internet access was good, except for one hotel. I


IRowsetFastLoad, the reprise

I had an interesting flashback today. Someone wrote with a reference to a mailing list posting I'd written in 2000, about IRowsetFastLoad. They wanted code,


Autocomplete in VS 2005

I’ve been using Visual Studio 2005 for over a year, since before the alpha version came out. Recently, I’ve had occasion to use VS 2003


SqlContext syntactic changes

Syntactic changes are coming to the SQL Server in-proc provider. Compiling a stored procedure with the latest Dec CTP bits yielded the following message every


A First Look at Dec CTP

OK, I couldn't help myself. The Dec 2004 CTP-specific readme had quite a number of things that are new. There are many improvements in SSIS, for


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