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This wait type is when a thread is waiting to acquire an Intent Shared lock on a resource and there is at least one other lock in an incompatible mode granted on the resource to a different thread.

General locking information:

(Books Online description: “Occurs when a task is waiting to acquire an Intent Shared (IS) lock.”)

Questions/comments on this wait type? Click here to send Paul an email, especially if you have any information to add to this topic.

Added in SQL Server version:


Removed in SQL Server version:


Extended Events wait_type value:

The map_key value in sys.dm_xe_map_values is 6 in all versions through 2014 RTM. After 2014 RTM, you must check the DMV to get the latest value as some map_key values have changed in later builds.

Other information:

General guidance around troubleshooting lock waits:

  • It is not possible to determine the lock resource from the sys.dm_os_wait_stats output. You can see the resource from sys.dm_os_waiting_tasks (using my script) or looking at the resource_description field of sys.dm_tran_locks where the request_status is ‘WAIT’.
  • You can use the blocked process report to get more detailed information on queries that are waiting for locks for a specified threshold (see here).
  • Look to see what is at the head of the blocking chain (i.e. the thread that’s holding the lock that’s blocking everyone) using a script (plenty of them available online – I don’t have a preferred one). What is that thread waiting for? Fixing that wait may help unravel the blocking. For example, a thread may be holding locks and committing a transaction, but there’s a synchronous mirror with a slow I/O subsystem so the mirror log write takes a long time, making the transaction commit take longer, and the locks take longer to be released, causing blocking.
  • Look for lock escalation, where an UPDATE transaction has escalated to a table X lock, causing widespread blocking.
  • Look for index operations causing table locks, and consider using online index operations (or if already using them, consider the WAIT_AT_LOW_PRIORITY feature in 2014+).
  • Look for code that specifies a TABLOCK (causes a table Shared lock) or TABLOCKX (causes a table Exclusive lock) hint.
  • Look for application code that will cause locks to be acquired and then waits for user input, or fails to commit a transaction for a long time.
  • Consider creating nonclustered indexes to remove row locks from the underlying heap/clustered index.
  • Consider using snapshot isolation or read committed snapshot isolation to allow readers to not take S/IS locks and reduce blocking.
  • Check the correct isolation level is being used as REPEATABLE_READ and SERIALIZABLE will hold S/IS locks until the end of a transaction.
  • Check for accidental use of the SERIALIZABLE isolation level, from using distributed transactions or incorrectly scoped .Net TransactionScope objects.

Specific guidance for LCK_M_IS waits:

  • For an Intent Shared lock, the resource could be a page, partition, or table.
  • Common blockers are a table X (Exclusive) lock from lock escalation occurring, or a SCH_M (Schema Modification) lock from an index build/rebuild.

Known occurrences in SQL Server (list number matches call stack list):

  1. Waiting for an Intent Shared lock on a table

And other similar call stacks.

Abbreviated call stacks (list number matches known occurrences list):

  1. SOS_Task::PostWait+9e