SQLskills Insider Session 1: Statement Execution and Caching

How you execute your data requests can affect performance, caching, and reuse.

Did you ever wonder where that estimate (in the showplan) comes from? Is it correct or, is it way off? Why? You’ve probably heard that many of your problems are related to statistics. Potentially, you’ve even rebuilt statistics only to find that it “fixes” the problem.

However, what you might be seeing is a false positive. Especially, if you find that it doesn’t always work or only works for a short period of time.

We’ll look at adhoc statements, dynamically constructed statements, and sp_executesql (e.g. forced statement caching) and get some insight into how each statement execution method works and why some are better than others for specific scenarios. This will be a great lead-in for next week’s Insider Session that discusses plan cache pollution and cache management.

Attend this session to find out how you should be executing your statements for the best performance, caching, and reuse! 

SQLskills Insider Session #1: VIDEO

Return to our past sessions page here.

Session #1: Resources

Thank you to all of you who attended our first SQLskills Insider Session! We already have a few questions starting to build up for our open Q&A (that were a bit outside of the scope of today’s session) and some that will be answered over the next few weeks as we continue discussing statement execution, caching, stored procedures and recompilation!

Resources for this SQLskills Insider Session: download

See our upcoming Insider Sessions here.


Presented by
Kimberly L. Tripp
President and Founder, SQLskills

Read my full bio here: Kimberly L. Tripp and about my Celebrating 25 Years of SQLskills here: https://www.sqlskills.com/about/meet-the-team/celebrating25years/